10 tips where to go for wellness before Christmas
Find time between Christmas shopping and baking cookies to head to your favourite wellness centre. Believe it or not, wellness not only has a positive effect on your body, but also on your psyche, which comes in handy before the Christmas holidays.
Positive effects of wellness
As we all know, wellness has positive effects mainly on our psyche, but what are the positive effects on our body?
A very popular choice for wellness is sauna bathing. This Finnish relaxation activity has roots going back 2,000 years. In that time, sauna bathing has become a worldwide phenomenon, with scientific studies supporting its benefits. A 2018 review of the findings shows that regular sauna use has positive effects on blood pressure regulation, also helps to relieve pain in rheumatoid arthritis, relieves headaches and supports the respiratory system.
People with cardiovascular disease in particular should be careful when using the sauna and should use it in moderation. This is because sauna use can increase heart rate and blood pressure.
Swimming pool
Larger wellness centres often have swimming pools. Swimming is one of the healthiest types of physical activity, as you engage almost all your muscles and don't strain your joints. Other benefits of swimming, according to science, include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and reducing stress, anxiety and depression, thanks to the rhythmic movements that help the mind and body relax more easily.
Public wellness in Prague
There are plenty of places to go for wellness before Christmas, but we have selected the ones we think are the best in terms of price and level of facilities.
Spa AXA - If price is your main criterion when choosing a spa, then this wellness centre will be perfect for you. They have a swimming pool, sauna and the option of a budget-friendly massage.
Sauna spot Dvorce - In Podolí, on the banks of the Vltava River, you will find the Sauna spot, where they have 4 different saunas of different temperatures and humidity, 2 cooling pools, relaxation zones, bars and a massage room.
Infinit Holešovice - Rustic Finnish sauna, ice pool, experience shower and relaxation room with bar.
Public wellness in Brno
Sauna world in the Kraví hora swimming pool - The well-known swimming pool on Kraví hora will be enriched by a newly built wellness centre with 7 saunas, a whirlpool, a cooling pool, and especially a beautiful view of Brno.
Wellness in Efi SPA hotel Superior - Finnish and aromatic sauna, 3-floor relaxation room and whirlpool.
Private wellness Prague
A lot of people prefer the private to the public spa, it will cost you a bit more, but you'll avoid the crowds and have complete privacy. Before Christmas, public spas are even more popular than ever, so it's a good idea to invest a little and avoid extra stress.
SPA with a view of Prague Castle at The Emblem Hotel Prague - whirlpool and wellness with steam sauna and relaxation room
Thai Wellness at Tawan - Combine wellness with massage and enjoy 60 minutes of massage and access to a private SPA for one hour.
Private sauna or whirlpool at Chateau St. Havel - A short walk from the centre of Prague, you can enjoy a private sauna or whirlpool in a chateau setting.
Přijďte si k nám užít dokonalou relaxaci při tomto prémiovém zážitku. Luxusní wellness přímo v centru Prahy bude k dispozici jen vám dvěma. Samozřejmostí je lahev sektu, aby byla romantická atmosféra dokonalá.
5 080,-
Private wellness Brno
Private wellness in Rakovec Hotel - swimming pool, whirlpool and sauna world
Wellness Rysso - Choose from 3 different rooms, all equipped with a hydromassage bath, Finnish sauna and relaxation area.
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Naše zážitky jsou dárky na celý život
V Allegrii věříme, že zážitkové dárky jsou tou nejlepší volbou, pokud hledáte originální dárek pro své blízké. Darujte zážitek k narozeninám nebo jiné významné příležitosti a přineste radost do života svých blízkých.
V naší široké nabídce zážitkových dárků naleznete různé kategorie, jako jsou například adrenalinové zážitky, kulturní zážitky, wellness a relax, gastronomické zážitky a mnoho dalších. Věříme, že v naší nabídce najdete ten správný zážitek jako dárek pro vaše blízké, který se jim navždy vryje do paměti.
Nezáleží na tom, zda hledáte zážitek pro muže, ženy, páry nebo rodiny, v naší nabídce najdete něco pro každého. U nás si můžete vybrat například romantický pobyt v lázních, adrenalinový zážitek jako tandemový seskok padákem, nebo třeba kurz vaření s šéfkuchařem. Darováním zážitkových dárků přinášíte nejen radost, ale i zážitky, na které budou vaši blízcí vzpomínat celý život.